Internacional Imports From
China USA All over the world

Optimize trade operations with TPS: Higher speed, greater accuracy and efficiency in transaction processing to boost the customer´s growth and satisfaction in the import of Chinese products.

Years of Experience
+ 1
Imported Products
+ 0
Satisfied Customers
+ 1

Imports to Mexico

Finding suppliers in China can be complicated, so our team will help you finding the ideal supplier for your business.

Just provide your product requirements and we will take care of the rest of your import.

Import your products easily.

Just follow the following steps to start importing your products.

Send your link

Send us the product that you are interested in.

Receive your quote

We will send you the total that you would pay with home delivery.

Pay for your service

Pay for your service by wire transfer or paypal.


Wait for it at your house

We will tell you the the approximate delivery time to your home.

Secure businesses in China



Interoceanic corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec

What does TPS have especially for


Advantages of importing with TPS

To supply your company through us:

  • We look for quality at all times.
  • Before buying from China, we verify the supplier.
  • We save on logistics to offer you the best prices.
  • Risk-free purchases.
  • Avoid problems at customs.

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Never before importing has been so easy.

We make the import process easier than ever.

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Exploring global routes, we lead imports, connecting markets with quality and efficiency.

Your strategic partner in international trade.

© 2024 TPS


Jazmines #3 Puebla, Pue.

Phone numbers
Office: 222 890 9516
Whatsapp: 222 101 0274

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